
Undertaking proper fire risk assessments is crucial – but far from the whole story. Your approach needs to be backed up by robust and common sense management arrangements, which is where our consultants’ expertise can prove particularly helpful. Using expert fire safety consultants is an effective way to manage these factors, creating a robust approach that delivers real confidence across your operation. Our fire safety consultants can provide professional assistance on any fire safety issues, requirements or recommendations. This may be required when reviewing your policies or procedures, following your fire risk assessment, upon receiving an enforcement notice, or when you encounter any fire safety issues.

Our approach would be tailored to match your organisation’s individual situation and set of circumstances. This may involve consultation, liaison with external parties, physical property inspections or the creation of documents.

We are able to provide assistance and advice on a wide range of fire safety matters including:

The courses we are able to provide:
  • Advising on design protocols to comply with building regulations and fire safety guidance documents
  • Developing fire safety policies and procedures that are bespoke to your organisation & premises
  • Creating comprehensive fire strategy documents
  • Liaising with fire authorities, architects, building control & designers
  • False fire alarm reduction programmes
  • Independent advice at your health & safety and risk committee meetings
  • Assistance in challenging enforcement notices

We have an extensive network of fire safety specialists who have experience in different areas of fire safety. This allows us to make sure we match your situation with the person whose knowledge and experience best fits your needs.

In addition to their fire safety knowledge, our advisers have commercial awareness and an understanding of the economic implications of any recommendations or remedial works. We always aim to balance commercial and economic needs with compliance, giving you practical and cost-effective solutions.

Contact us for further information and advice..